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" The only person you have to hang out with for your entire life is you. So why not make your relationship with yourself the most enlivening love story?!'.

The notion of being a Temple of Evolution came to me when I was pregnant with my son. Pregnancy was miraculous to me, I was in such awe of how my body was changing and growing. My body new exactly what to do. I wasn’t in control, it was just happening.

Where did this innate wisdom come from? I reflected that my body was made of earth and that I am Earth. My body, billions of years in the making. That really shifted how I began to relate to myself and body. I started to treat myself with love and reverence as though I was a Temple of Evolution. This notion allowed me to have complete trust in my bodies capacity to nourish and birth my baby.

Embodying the notion that you are a Temple of Evolution creates a foundation of love and reverence for yourself. And I believe this is crucial in showing up in the world in an authentic and empowered way.

I have spent the last 10 years on a journey of learning to love and be loved and I think this starts with learning to love yourself. About 10 years ago I was at a crossroad in my life.

I was filled with so much negativity and self hatred. I attempted to numb the pain through drugs, alcohol and self harm. A part of me knew that this path was ultimately going to lead to self destruction. So something had to change and it was me.

I was drawn to self help books and one of the first that I picked up was Kundalini Rising by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. I then started to practise Kundalini Yoga which transformed my life. The movement, breath and sound practises helped me to shed layers of limitation, pain and suffering. I started to align myself with truth, honesty and courage.

I have also practised Kundalini Dance, Kundalini Activation and other practises that came intuitively.

The Temple of Evolution is a culmination of what I have learnt in the past 10 years of learning to love myself. I am still on that journey, I don’t know if there is a destination as I still discover parts of myself that call for my tenderness and attention. But I am able to see them, nature them and hold them close rather than trying to disregard and banish them from my being.

I can happily and confidently say that I do love myself.

I know there are many people who suffer from self-hatred as I once did and that is why I am so passionate about sharing what I have learnt with others. I envision a world where people love themselves and each other so deeply and respectfully. I believe this is the antidote to so much of the hatred that we witness in the world.

In many ways our culture doesn’t set us to deeply love ourselves. I remember as a child that if you were assumed to love yourself then that was a major problem and you would be ridiculed for it. In some view points it may even seem narcissistic.

Yes, there are some people in the world who view themselves more important than others but I don’t think that this mentality is created from a foundation of self love. Quite the opposite really.

Through my own experience I have witnessed that the deeper we learn to love ourselves the deeper we can love others. When we relate to ourselves without judgment but compassion and understanding we are able to hold that same compassion and understanding for others. We are each others sacred mirror. Learn to love what you see in yours.

From my heart to yours.


If you are interested in joining me for The Temple of Evolution, self love embodiment exploration I will be hosting one in person @ The Inner Space in Katoomba, Blue Mountains this November. Click the link for more info.

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